
Boston’s Mask Mandate: What Does it Mean for Events, Gatherings, & Get-Togethers?

August 20, 2021


Boston Mayor Kim Janey’s New Mask Mandate: What does that mean for events, gatherings, and get-togethers?

Short answer… Nothing! We can still gather and have incredible events!

Earlier today, Boston Mayor Kim Janey announced that face masks will be required in all indoor public settings in Boston, as part of a Five-Point Plan for the COVID-19 Delta Variant. This public health order goes into effect at 8:00 AM on Friday, August 27, 2021.

What does this mean for events, gatherings, and get-togethers? Well, let’s take a step back and look at the details:

According to the public health order:

“Masks must be worn whenever they are indoors on the premises of a business, club, place of assembly or other place that is open to members of the public, including but not limited to retail establishments, restaurants, bars, performance venues, social clubs, event spaces, and municipal buildings. Face coverings may be removed when actively eating or drinking.”


“Masks must be worn for all other indoor activities, including ordering at a bar or dancing. Masks are also required in gyms.”


“The order does not apply to gatherings in private residences when no compensation is paid, private buildings that are inaccessible to the public, places of worship, private workspaces inaccessible to the public, or performers who maintain six feet of distance from their audience.”

This sounds pretty good, actually! If masks help us get that much closer to be able to soon have events with no restrictions, then we can wear a mask at our indoor parties! Just think, a year ago we were afraid to leave the house and wondered when we could go back to seeing our friends and families – so this is a lot better!

Public health and public safety are critical to keeping the Events & Hospitality industry alive. To read more about how these types of public health orders are positively keeping our industry afloat, read our post on the importance of vaccines:

Vaccines & The Event Industry: We Have the Opportunity to be Prepared This Time

We look forward to seeing you soon!

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